
Why Do I Need Skin Test?


Why I Need A Skin Test? 

Skin testing has become such a huge part of our salon culture over the last few years, it is so important for your safety but also for us, the stylists, as insurance companies are now really hot on what they will and won’t accept. 

 We are constantly updating our policies and procedures around this ever-changing world, and appreciate all of your continued support and understanding.

We offer a free in house allergy test (skin test) that can be carried out at your own convenience but must be at least 48 hours prior to any colour service you have with us.

Why is hypersensitivity to hair dye only becoming an issue now you might ask?

Well, it isn't only just becoming an issue now, but there has been a dramatic increase in hypersensitivity in recent years. An increase in incidents, and an increase in the severity and complexity.

This is compounded with an increasing trend towards the use of darker more contrasting hair colour services, shadow roots and root melts added on to high lights and scalp bleach applications, grey blending, glossings, fashion colours, ombres and balayage that have pockets of depth that require the use of more on the scalp applications than we have ever done before. 

Even if you have been having your hair coloured for years and have never had a reaction to hair dye, you should still test again now.

It seems as though daily we witness, how we can all become hypersensitive to new things. Some people develop hay fever for the first time or find they suddenly become allergic to a mascara brand they have always used. The same is true for hair colour. You can develop sensitivity at any time in your life.

 Taking medication, for example, medication can cause a reaction to hair colour. Depending on how your body reacts to said medication, could either cause a hypersensitive reaction or it may suppress an existing hypersensitivity.

Testing at least 48 hours before a hair colouring service gives us enough time in most circumstances to allow for a more severe form of hypersensitivity to present itself, this is a cell-mediated reaction that takes at least 48 hours to occur.

If possible coming for your skin test 5-7 days before your appointment would be ideal in normal circumstances, however leaving your test until 48 hours before your appointment during The Covid Pandemic gives us the utmost confidence you are Covid Free before your appointment. 



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